New gym of the Agricultural Institute, Florence
Every week our professionals carry out project inspections but the one on the construction site of the new gymnasium of the Agricultural Institute of Florence, last Wednesday 29 January, was particularly special!
On that date, in fact, the mayor of the Municipality and Metropolitan City of Florence, Sara Funaro, carried out an inspection together with the Minister of Education Giuseppe Valditara to verify the progress of the construction site of the new gym and witness what will be the transformation of this place by 2026.
This is an integrated contract, which sees us as protagonists alongside the company Polistrade Cesistenza Generali S.p.a. and Widespread study, for an investment of approximately 8 million euros, half of which financed by the metropolitan city and the remainder by PNRR funds.
A cutting-edge structure, which will also be open to sports associations, but above all sustainable, given its location within the Cascine park. The comparison with the existing landscape context and with numerous natural constraints, including the hydraulic one, is inevitable, which is why the gym was created raised 3 meters above the so-called ground level.