Regeneration of the Castelnuovo in Avane village
Giving new life to the ancient village of Castelnuovo in Avane… this is the objective that forms the backdrop to the project which with Archea Associati, Valentini Ventura Restauro Opere d’Arte S.r.l, Studio Mattioli S.r.l, Chiarini Associati-Civil and Environmental Engineering and the engineer Sacha Slim Bouhageb we were awarded under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).
The Cultural, Social and Economic Regeneration of the village, part of the Municipality of Cavriglia in the province of Arezzo, passes through a work of analysis and synthesis that re-interprets the different degrees of urban complexity in a range of possibilities ranging from conservative restoration up to urban redevelopment, to find a renewed image of the village where open spaces and buildings can be interpreted in a contemporary key.
Compared to the indications of the Recovery Plan based on the tender, the proposal in question intends to focus on three key aspects, around which to structure the design hypotheses; these themes become the primary object of the compositional exploration which is articulated starting from some cardinal principles:
- Enhance the perceptive aspects and views to and from the surrounding area.
- Simplify routes and connections, making them interesting and lively moments within the experience of enjoying the new village.
- Maintain as much as possible the image and language of existing architecture, introducing a few targeted elements of innovation and enhancement, conceived as grafts capable of enhancing the traditional characteristics of the village.
Working with places and with the theme of open space always requires particular attention, aimed at significantly improving the lives of the people who live in that area or who choose to pass through it, which is why we are very happy to be able to contribute to this regeneration operation of Castelnuovo and we can’t wait to tell you more!