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  /  Press-Media   /  The Tizi Ouzou motorway junction, Algeria

The Tizi Ouzou motorway junction, Algeria

We always try to take you with us in all the moments that characterize the design, on construction sites, around Italy but this time our gaze travels further and we take you into the heart of the construction work of a large infrastructure project in Algerian territory : the Tizi Ouzou motorway junction.

It is a motorway with a 2×3 lane profile that connects the city of Tizi-Ouzou to the East-West motorway at Djebahia for a stretch of 48 km, including 21 viaducts for a total length of 10,065 m, 2 tunnels for a total length of 1,600 m, 15 underpasses and overpasses and 9 motorway junctions.


This intervention, entrusted to the Algerian-Turkish group called “ONE” (Ozgun / Nurol / Engoa) represents a huge opportunity for GPA, as designers commissioned by the company, not only for the enormous scope of the intervention but also for its notable degree of innovation. The project’s viaducts, in fact, represent the largest engineering structures in Africa in terms of length, elevation and span.

Infrastructure design has always represented one of our main core businesses but is above all an extremely important project area for the whole of society: modern and sustainable infrastructures are fundamental to face the challenges of the future, guarantee mobility, economic development and improve the quality of life of citizens and GPA is proud to be able to take part in this challenge, making its contribution.